Designing your garden for fire resilience

Fire has played a part in the Australian landscape for many thousands of years. Consequently, Permaculture design has a focus on designing to exclude wildfire from the home and garden. This involves multiple strategies, which include house design, water supply, firebreak areas surrounding both individual houses and also hamlets of houses, animal yards, and other …

2019 Natural Dyeing Workshop

May natural dye course  The Natural Dye course was held in May. We were lucky to have Stephie and Susan, both very talented fibre artists, who were dyeing some hand grown cotton (Steph) and wool for knitting projects (Susan). They are both founding members of the Slow Cloth Club at 7 Sibley Street. These are …

Bill Mollison Memorial Food Forest Garden

One of Bill’s final requests was for us to plant trees in his memory. So we decided to plant a new food forest for Bill. During the November Permaculture Design Course 2016 our class went on an excursion to Daleys Nursery in Kyogle to buy some trees for the new  Bill Mollison Memorial Food Forest …

Biodiversity and Mankind

Conservation in the wild can serve humanity and allow speciation into the future, for those species not driven to extinction. Destruction and fragmentation of habitat could drive speciation by creating disjunct populations with no gene flow! The importance of plants and biodiversity Mankind uses plants for fibre, food, medicine, and environmental services, such as storing …

Let Freedom Ring, Carbon Minerals and Microbes- David Yarrow articles

My attention was first drawn to David’s work during Geoff Moxham’s final Workshop at Djanbung Gardens in 2009. In reviewing the course I noticed in photographs that Geoff was trying to draw our attention to the importance of innoculating the biochar before using it in the garden. In his words if we were going to …

Gardening like a Forest with Dave Jacke

Janelle has returned from a trip through NSW where she had the opportunity to attend an evening presentation -at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence (Eora Centre) at George St Redfern- by Dave Jacke , US Permaculture Teacher  Designer and  developer of an in depth Design system around Edible Forest Gardens. Milkwood Permaculture and Nick …

Joe Polaischer – Tribute

Joe Polaischer, well known, highly respected and dearly loved permaculture teacher, farmer and pioneer past away, February 14, 2008, in New Zealand. Joe leaves the global permaculture community an incredible legacy of commitment and dedication to healing the earth. Over the past 18-plus years Joe has empowered and inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of people …

Campus & Student Resources

Training Approach Since 1994 Djanbung Gardens has been delivering world-class courses in permaculture and sustainable design. From 2005 to 2015 we have delivered the Accredited Permaculture Training™ providing vocational qualifications in permaculture Certificates III, IV and Diploma, which required a high standard of course delivery and accountability to national accreditation authorities. PCA continues to provide …