Empowering effective agents of change for a better world… Permaculture College Australia Inc (PCA) is a non-profit incorporated organisation providing quality training and education in permaculture design and practices.Founded by permaculture pioneer, Robyn Francis, PCA is based at Djanbung Gardens in Northern NSW Australia, where it delivers accredited vocational training and professional development for permaculture …
Nimbin Village & District Nimbin lies in the heart of the Bundjalung Nation in the lands of the Wyabul peoples. The Nimbin valley is surrounded by ancient sacred sites and lush subtropical rainforests on the southern side of the Wollumbun Caldera (Mount Warning) in the headwaters of the Wilsons and Richmond River system. Nimbin has …
There is a growing need to bring food security into the cities and to urban areas throughout the country. One trend that reflects the permaculture principle of ‘using edges and valuing the marginal’ is the utilisation of small spaces in our urban areas to grow food.
Denis Madeleine returned to Sydney after completing the 2 semester Certificate IV in Permaculture, Sustainable Aid and Teacher Training course at Djanbung Gardens last year with a new set of skills and the confidence that he could make a difference. After completing his first paying jobs as a professional permaculture design consultant in Sydney early …
Posted Jul 5, 2012 by Rob Hopkins Some Transition reflections on George Monbiot’s announcement that “we were wrong on peak oil” In a nutshell, I think Monbiot’s piece swallows an over-optimistic take on peak oil… What he does prompt is a rethink in terms of how we present peak oil
Transition Towns – Tommy Welham – Open Day 2012 Transition Towns are part of a world wide shift in lifestyles and local structures in response to climate change and energy descent.
Steve Cran reports from Hong Kong, April 2012 “Hong Kong has a huge amount of energy. If it can be channelled into permaculture the concrete will be covered in gardens and forests.”
Permie Students Present Solutions at the Australian Youth Climate Coalition Eyes were opened and options were broadened on the weekend when two PCA Students presented at the Brisbane Australian Youth Climate Coalition.
Urban food foraging – coming to a city near you! ‘And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them for the poor and for the stranger’ God
Farmers’ Market Saves Lives! A Rice Farmer’s Story Such a simple solution to the declining wholesale price for broad-acre crops: Skip the middle man and connect directly with the consumers!