Natural cleaning- simple, safe and inexpensive

My grandmother was a great source of practical wisdom — born in the 1880’s she grew up in a world kept clean and hygienic with simple natural ingredients and common household items.  The world changed post WWII as we entered the era of booming corporations, consumption and petro-chemical products.  Suddenly the washing had to be …

Davidson Plum – Rainforest flavours

Davidson Plum Davidsonia pruriens var. jerseyana  A bombshell of colour and intense clean, tart flavour, Davidson Plum has become one of my favourite bushfood fruits in the kitchen. This tall (3-4m) slender rainforest plant will grow and bear in the tiniest garden space. It prefers a semi-shady location and does well under the canopy of …

Ozone – a silent peril at ground level

Robyn Francis reports, March 2012 We learned of the importance of ozone in the stratosphere when it depleted to allow harmful levels of ultra-violet rays to reach the earth’s surface, so ozone up there is a good thing, but not so good closer to earth in the troposphere. At ground level ozone is killing trees …

Piggies at Work

Photo journal of a pig tractor garden Pigs are amazing biological ploughs – their snout is exceptionally strong and designed for excavating the earth in search of tasty morsels buried underground, especially tubers and roots, and also fungi and insects. In Permaculture there is frequent reference to use of pigs as tractoring animals and I’ve …

Smallholder Organic Farming not GMOS – the Solution to World Hunger

We are republishing this excellent article from Organic Federation of Australia Feb 2011, to bring factual information to our readers and subscribers.  ABC, 30 August 2010 reported “Global biotechnology company Monsanto has begun an education and advocacy campaign to change the opposition many Australia consumers have to genetically modified food. Speaking at the NSW Farmwriters …

The End of Growth

The End of Growth – Richard Heinberg ” The central assertion of this book is both simple and startling: Economic growth as we have known it is over and done with.      … we are seeing a perfect storm of converging crises that together represent a watershed moment in the history of our species. We are …

Art, Activism and Permaculture

The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, known for instigating the famous bicycle protest at Copenhagen, explain how permaculture influences their approach to activism and civil disobedience – this interview with the Laboratory’s co-founders Isa Fremeaux and John Jordan is from the new book Art and Activism in the Age of Globalisation

Peak energy, climate change

Peak energy, climate change, and the collapse of global civilisation: the current peak oil crisis “This paper was written to empower people and societies to prepare themselves for the radical changes in the world ahead with the information presented in this analysis” –  Tariel Mórrígan Dec 14, 2010