I love Bamboo; growing, eating, crafting, building, and listening to the sounds of creaking culms and rustling leaves in the wind. It provides me with microclimates, windbreaks, privacy screens, animal fodder, wildlife habitat, an endless supply of mulch, delicious tender eating shoots, an abundance of materials for the garden and building small structures, and sequesters …
Wildlife is welcome here but not cats or dogs…. It was twenty years ago that I made the momentous decision to take on a 5 acre degraded cow pasture and restore it to biodiversity and abundance as a permaculture education centre and wildlife sanctuary. I remember sitting in the middle of that barren landscape in …
Photo journal of a pig tractor garden Pigs are amazing biological ploughs – their snout is exceptionally strong and designed for excavating the earth in search of tasty morsels buried underground, especially tubers and roots, and also fungi and insects. In Permaculture there is frequent reference to use of pigs as tractoring animals and I’ve …
Djanbung Gardens buildings are designed according to passive solar principles to be energy efficient and reduce use of resources. Likewise, a diverse range of technologies have been selected to reduce energy and resource consumption. Djanbung is self-reliant for its water supply with rain water harvested in tanks for the buildings and in dams for the …
Djanbung Gardens is a botanic gardens of useful, economic and cultural plants within a working permaculture system. Gardens & orchards are maintained organically as an integrated system.
Read about how the home of Permaculture College Australia was founded and developed.