Goodbye Polly – Photo Tribute

Adorable Polly the pig

Polly passed over the rainbow bridge on Friday 29th June. Her last month was a struggle, essentially being in piggy palliative care. She was 13 years old, a ripe old age for a piggy being. Polly had a long wonderful life contributing to the gardens, digging her pig-tractor beds, going for walks foraging fallen fruit, making hundreds of friends with our students, volunteers and visitors. She loved people, attention and doing tricks for treats. She was also valued for her practical contribution to food waste recycling and manure for our compost.

Her life and wellbeing was marred only by the ghastly attack and trauma inflicted on her 18 months ago, which hastened her end. A special thank you to everyone who loved Polly and who supported her healing and the Djanbung team through that difficult time.

Thank you Polly for being a part of life at Djanbung for so many years and the joy you brought to us and all who got to know you.

Robyn Francis, June 29, 2018


Here is a photo tribute to Polly’s life @ Djanbung

Polly came to Djanbung as a 4-month old piglet in October 2005. I put pieces of apple in my pockets to entice her to get to know and trust me, and when she’d sniffed them out I’d giver her one as a treat. Next step was training her to sit for her treats.

Polly, 4 months old, gets to know Robyn, 2005
Polly, 4 months old, gets to know Robyn, 2005

Once the treat routine was established I took Polly, and her brother Pudge, for their first forage walk under the mulberry tree.

Polly the pig's first foraging foray, Oct 2005
Polly’s first foraging foray, Oct 2005

Over the years we enjoyed our regular walks around the farm visiting trees in season to clean up any fallen fruit and just having fun exploring.

Robyn takes Polly for a walk


A gallery of fond memories….

Polly was treated to a party for her 12th birthday (the piggy equivalent of turning 80 or 90) and to celebrate her progress recovering from the attack 6 months previously. She really loved her ‘birthday cake’, a base of beer-soaked stale bread smothered in yogurt (that had just passed its best-by date) and garnished with shop-reject strawberries and blueberries. She was totally blissed out in piggy heaven…

Polly scoffs her birthday 'cake', 2017
Polly scoffs her birthday ‘cake’, 2017


Read more about Polly’s adventures, Polly’s Blog was created by an intern some years ago.  Updates since Dec 2016 document the trauma and recovery following the attack.
Polly’s brother, Pudge, lived here with her until 2013. You can read about how they were integrated into our permaculture systems here in Piggies at Work, and see them in action ploughing the pig-tractor garden in the video below.









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