The druidic tradition resonates with deep ecology, as do the shamanic practices of other indigenous cultures, recognising that the source of all power lies in the land, the sacredness of life and death, and the inter-connectedness of all beings.
Robyn Francis has been exploring her Celtic heritage within the context of contemporary living, adapting it to the Australian landscape, its seasonal cycles and spirit of place. She shares this journey through open seasonal rituals, ceremonies and workshops on Celtic earth wisdom, culture and spirituality.

Table of Contents
Celtic Heritage in Australia
Sunwise in the Southern Hemisphere
The Five Directions
The Celtic Eightfold Year
– Samhain
– Yule – Winter Solstice
– Imbolc
– Spring Equinox – Ostara
– Beltaine
– Midsummer – Summer Solstice
– Lughnassadh
– Autumn Equinox
Everything Cycles – Microcosm to Macrocosm
Lunar Months and Sacred Trees
Ceremonies and Ritual
Preparing, planning and conducting a ceremony