Robyn Francis and Melian Fertl, representing PCA and Djanbung Gardens, joined over 420 delegates from 47 countries converging in Cuba for the 11th International Permaculture Convention, November-December 2013. Robyn reports on the experience.
Posted Jul 5, 2012 by Rob Hopkins Some Transition reflections on George Monbiot’s announcement that “we were wrong on peak oil” In a nutshell, I think Monbiot’s piece swallows an over-optimistic take on peak oil… What he does prompt is a rethink in terms of how we present peak oil
Robyn Francis reports, March 2012 We learned of the importance of ozone in the stratosphere when it depleted to allow harmful levels of ultra-violet rays to reach the earth’s surface, so ozone up there is a good thing, but not so good closer to earth in the troposphere. At ground level ozone is killing trees …
Permie Students Present Solutions at the Australian Youth Climate Coalition Eyes were opened and options were broadened on the weekend when two PCA Students presented at the Brisbane Australian Youth Climate Coalition.
The End of Growth – Richard Heinberg ” The central assertion of this book is both simple and startling: Economic growth as we have known it is over and done with. … we are seeing a perfect storm of converging crises that together represent a watershed moment in the history of our species. We are …
Peak energy, climate change, and the collapse of global civilisation: the current peak oil crisis “This paper was written to empower people and societies to prepare themselves for the radical changes in the world ahead with the information presented in this analysis” – Tariel Mórrígan Dec 14, 2010
The call to become an effective agent of change There is a rising tide of awareness of an urgent need to change, which has been accelerating rapidly over the past 12 months. Most people now accept the reality of climate change, and it’s connection to increasing droughts, water crises and extreme weather events, and accept …