At Djanbung Gardens we actively look for opportunities for our students to gain real-life experience supporting community projects in Nimbin. Last year we heard through the village grapevine that the Nimbin Aged Care and Respite Service (NACRS) were needing help to make a garden for the aged. We got in touch and the project was …
Wicking beds are raised garden beds with a water reservoir at the base made from pond liner filled with rocks and gravel. Moisture wicks up through the soil to feed the plant roots, thus little is lost to evaporation and plants are encouraged to send their roots down deep to tap into the water supply. …
Photo journal of a pig tractor garden Pigs are amazing biological ploughs – their snout is exceptionally strong and designed for excavating the earth in search of tasty morsels buried underground, especially tubers and roots, and also fungi and insects. In Permaculture there is frequent reference to use of pigs as tractoring animals and I’ve …
Permablitz in my Rental Backyard III – Winter Solstice Abundance! A small selection from the winter harvest It’s dead smack in the middle of winter at Batcastle Gardens, but that’s no deterrent for hardcore veggie-gardening addicts.
Permablitz in my rental backyard – Part II BatCastle garden after just 8 weeks Much has happened in the BatCastle backyard since we last checked in. The greens are all exploding from their place in the keyhole bed, the beanstalks are reaching fairytale proportions and the kang kong has taken off down the hill somewhere …
Permablitz in my rental backyard! It’s official! You don’t need to own your own home to grow your own food. All it takes is a few square metres of a suburban back yard, and you’ll be feasting in no time!
Micro Eden Series: Making the most of small spaces to reduce food miles to meters with Robyn Francis Anyone can have a garden. “Small is beautiful” and the discovery of small space sufficiency can yield surprising results, not only as produce for the table, but as a place of beauty and the great sense of …
Container gardens – making the most of small spaces to reduce food miles to meters Anywhere there is light and space plants will grow – you don’t need to have a lot of space to create a micro edible landscape. Robyn Francis explores the productive potential of container gardens and tips for the ‘potty’ gardener.
This was a grand adventure for a day off during the PDC in Southern California, a trip to Fresno to visit the amazing underground gardens. Created by Baldassare Forestiere in the early 1900’s, this 10 acre underground labyrinth was hand dug over 40 years with a pick, shovel and wheelbarrow.
Flowers play an important role in an edible landscape and in any food producing permaculture. The benefits of integrating flowering plants into a vegetable garden are numerous: they attract bees and other insects to pollinate and predate on common pests, fragrant flowers and flowering herbs help confuse and repel some harmful insect pests, and an …