Permaculture Student creates garden for Nimbin’s aged

Garden for the aged opening at Nimbin Community Centre

At Djanbung Gardens we actively look for opportunities for our students to gain real-life experience supporting community projects in Nimbin. Last year we heard through the village grapevine that the Nimbin Aged Care and Respite Service (NACRS) were needing help to make a garden for the aged. We got in touch and the project was …

Abundance Cafe – opening Aug 15

Announcing the Opening of Abundance Café – the ultimate local food experience Sat August 15, 10am -4pm at Djanbung Gardens Nimbin’s first café specialising in local food, Abundance Café, will open on Saturday August 15th,  10am-4pm at Djanbung Gardens. The opening celebration will feature live entertainment with Brommers and Sara McCafferty, both former students of …

Slow Food Movement: A Permacultural Digest

Slow Food Movement monitoring news: A digest of recent articles and publications on the Movement and how they relate to Permaculture compiled by Jorja Callow 07/ November 2014 What Slow Food can teach Clean Energy by Sonja van Renssen From Renssen’s time in Turin at the biennial Slow Food fair, she has made the conclusion …

Natural cleaning- simple, safe and inexpensive

My grandmother was a great source of practical wisdom — born in the 1880’s she grew up in a world kept clean and hygienic with simple natural ingredients and common household items.  The world changed post WWII as we entered the era of booming corporations, consumption and petro-chemical products.  Suddenly the washing had to be …

Slaves to Convenience or Conscious Consumer?

Robyn Francis writes on the art of being a conscious consumer to reduce your eco-footprint, save money and enjoy better health. Wendell Berry once said that it’s not an environmental crisis we face but a crisis of character. He was referring to the fact that the solution to the crises in our environment begins at …

Infused herbal oils and ointments

Garden Apothecary – Make Your Own Infused Herbal Oils and Ointment with Robyn Francis There are numerous simple remedies and products for healthy living and eating that can be easily made at home with standard kitchen equipment equipment. The Garden Apothecary shares simple recipes, solutions and tips for low-impact natural living, starting with how to …

Make Your Own Herbal Skin Care

Did you know…. Your skin is your largest organ, it respires (breathes), regulates body temperature and absorbs both beneficial and harmful substances into the blood stream, nervous and lymph systems – that includes all the personal soaps, wash gels, shampoos, conditioners and plethora of skin creams, tonics, cleansers, moisturisers, anti-wrinkle, anti-pimple, aftershaves and everything we …