Permaculture Open Day 2016 – Growing our Future

Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Open Day, Saturday June 11, 2016, 10am-4pm A fun filled day of food, tours, presentations and workshops and the opportunity to explore the gardens of the world-class Permaculture centre, Djanbung Gardens, will be held Saturday June 11, 10am-4pm. This year’s theme ‘Growing Our Future’ is focused on sharing practical skills and solutions …

New Life in Shenzhen

The big industrial city life has seeding and flourishing life… Imagine yourself in the thick of smog that limits your vision to only three unit blocks standing at 10 stories high away, humidity pressing onto your shoulders and chest, people absolutely everywhere and every opportunity is taken to stack stuff onto small motorbikes, buzzing and …


Empowering effective agents of change for a better world… Permaculture College Australia Inc  (PCA) is a non-profit incorporated organisation providing quality training and education in permaculture design and practices.Founded by permaculture pioneer, Robyn Francis, PCA is based at Djanbung Gardens in Northern NSW Australia, where it delivers accredited vocational training and professional development for permaculture …

Creative Community Facilitation

Learn the art of faciltation—whether  you’re involved in community gardens, Permaculture groups, transition initiatives, teaching or sustainable development work—you need effective facilitation skills and tools to harness community energy. Creative facilitation of participatory process, balancing challenge and conviviality is key to success. Through this short intensive course, Robyn Francis shares 3 decades of experience in …

Beyond the PDC – Professional Development in Permaculture

Already done a PDC? Looking for ways to fill in the critical skills and knowledge gaps? We can help…PCA (Permaculture College Australia) offers a range of options for permaculturists to fast-track practical skills beyond the PDC to be more effective in your chosen field of Permaculture practices.• Professional Development short intensive courses,• Permaculture Practices longer …

Beyond the PDC – Professional Development in Permaculture

Already done a PDC? Looking for ways to fill in the critical skills and knowledge gaps? We can help…PCA (Permaculture College Australia) offers a range of options for permaculturists to fast-track practical skills beyond the PDC to be more effective in your chosen field of Permaculture practices.• Professional Development short intensive courses,• Permaculture Practices longer …

What is the difference between Permaculture College Australia Inc and Djanbung Gardens?

Permaculture College Australia Inc is a not-for-profit sustainability training organization which conducts the accredited vocational training and community education programs at Djanbung Gardens. Accredited Permaculture Training™ is conducted under a partnering agreement with a Registered Training Organisation approved by Permaculture International Ltd (the legal owner of APT™). Permaculture College Australia leases the training facilities and …