Bill Mollison – a giant tree has fallen in the forest of humanity

Robyn Francis reflects on her memories of Bill Mollison, teacher, mentor, friend… Bill Mollison, co-creator of the permaculture concept and founder of the movement, passed away in Hobart, Tasmania on the evening of September 24, 2016. For many it felt like a giant old growth tree in the forest had fallen. Since then tributes have …

Bill Mollison 1928-2016 – a legend passes on

Bill Mollison

Australia and the world has lost one of its most influential thinkers on community-led approaches to sustainable development. Author, educator, academic, researcher and innovative thinker, Bill Mollison, died peacefully in Hobart, Tasmania, on 24 September.   Mollison has been described as one of Tasmania’s leading intellectual exports. Born in 1928 in the Bass Strait fishing …

Bamboo in Permaculture with Robyn Francis

Robyn Francis in Buddha-belly bamboo clump

I love Bamboo; growing, eating, crafting, building, and listening to the sounds of creaking culms and rustling leaves in the wind. It provides me with microclimates, windbreaks, privacy screens, animal fodder, wildlife habitat, an endless supply of mulch, delicious tender eating shoots, an abundance of materials for the garden and building small structures, and sequesters …

Permaculture Open Day 2016 – Growing our Future

Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Open Day, Saturday June 11, 2016, 10am-4pm A fun filled day of food, tours, presentations and workshops and the opportunity to explore the gardens of the world-class Permaculture centre, Djanbung Gardens, will be held Saturday June 11, 10am-4pm. This year’s theme ‘Growing Our Future’ is focused on sharing practical skills and solutions …

Permaculture Solutions for Climate Change IPC-12

At the International Permaculture Convergence in Epping Forest, UK, 2015, members of permaculture organizations from five continents formed Permaculture Climate Change Solutions. Our first undertaking was to create a comprehensive statement of the permaculture perspective on climate change, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the International Permaculture Convergence, which included over 600 people …

Slow Food Movement: A Permacultural Digest

Slow Food Movement monitoring news: A digest of recent articles and publications on the Movement and how they relate to Permaculture compiled by Jorja Callow 07/ November 2014 What Slow Food can teach Clean Energy by Sonja van Renssen From Renssen’s time in Turin at the biennial Slow Food fair, she has made the conclusion …

Water-saving Wicking Bed

wicking bed completed and planted

Wicking beds are raised garden beds with a water reservoir at the base made from pond liner filled with rocks and gravel. Moisture wicks up through the soil to feed the plant roots, thus little is lost to evaporation and plants are encouraged to send their roots down deep to tap into the water supply. …

IPC11 Cuba Report

Robyn Francis and Melian Fertl, representing PCA and Djanbung Gardens, joined over 420 delegates from 47 countries converging in Cuba for the 11th International Permaculture Convention, November-December 2013. Robyn reports on the experience.

Permaculture Pioneers – stories from the new frontier

These stories tell how ordinary people have found the courage to enbrace the worlds problems and move beyond fear to make a difference and empower others with solutions and practical actions as inspired agents of change. This anthology is an inspiring addition to permaculture publications, and of interest to anyone concerned with social and evirnmental …