Permie Students Present Solutions at the Australian Youth Climate Coalition Eyes were opened and options were broadened on the weekend when two PCA Students presented at the Brisbane Australian Youth Climate Coalition.
It was a winter Permaculture festival at Djanbung Gardens, with over 100 people showing up to our annual open day event.
Done a PDC? Want to become a professional designer? This course is for people who are seriously interested in design and consulting, and also recommended for permaculture teachers, to learn the tricks of trade from one of permaculture’s leading designers and educators, Robyn Francis. In 4 intensive days you will learn how to draw up …
Robyn Francis writes on the art of being a conscious consumer to reduce your eco-footprint, save money and enjoy better health. Wendell Berry once said that it’s not an environmental crisis we face but a crisis of character. He was referring to the fact that the solution to the crises in our environment begins at …
Permaculture is essentially about designing sustainable environments with the focus being on how we provide our needs in a way that works with nature’s processes and ecology. Based on the words Permanent (as in sustainable) and Culture (including agri-culture), Permaculture addresses all aspects of human culture, not only food production but how we build, how …
Initiating and developing community gardens, transition towns and community sustainability programs is a people-oriented process that requires not only organisational skills but a diverse ‘tool kit’ for inclusive community facilitation. Permaculture College Australia specialises in training community facilitators as effective agents of change.
Robyn Francis writes about the Permaculture approach to development and aid. The focus of permaculture working with communities in need, is to build resilience, empower people to solve their own problems, and to regenerate damaged environments to health and abundance.
Open Day Report from a Colombian perspective – June 13th 2009 The students had been planning and organizing this day from the beginning of the year, it is the biggest day of the year for Djanbung Gardens.
Another First for Permaculture in Tawian After successfully hosting the first Permaculture Design Course in Taiwan in 2008, Earth Passengers, an environment group based in Taipei, has forged ahead breaking new ground. This year’s PDC was the first to be hosted by and conducted in an Indigenous Taiwanese village community.
Garden Apothecary – Make Your Own Infused Herbal Oils and Ointment with Robyn Francis There are numerous simple remedies and products for healthy living and eating that can be easily made at home with standard kitchen equipment equipment. The Garden Apothecary shares simple recipes, solutions and tips for low-impact natural living, starting with how to …