Within the context of atmospheric pollution and climatic change, we must all accept some level of responsibilty; for contributing to the problems and, more positively, to become a part of the solution.
A series of Eco-villages in the making Declan Kennedy, founding director of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) reflects on his visit to Djanbung Gardens and Jarlanbah
The term terra preta specifically applies to the Brazilian soils of the Amazon basin, where it was produced 5000 years ago, by an as yet uncertain agricultural process of ‘slash, burn and bury’ [1]. This formed “reefs”, for the micro-organisms to colonise, and also stored nutrients against leaching in the high rainfall. Geoff Moxham writes…
Robyn Francis Reflects on two decades of Permaculture – how it has changed my world view A Radio Essay commissioned by ABC Radio Eye, 1996
What is permaculture…? What is the difference between permaculture and organic gardening…? These are questions frequently asked but not always adequately answered – and the answers can vary wildly depending upon who you ask.
Efficient, labour saving, low maintenance, user-friendly are catch-cries we hear all the time, yet how much unnecessary work do we create for ourselves, often without even being aware of it? Eliminating unnecessary work is intrinsic to good permaculture design.
The 8th International Permaculture Convergence in Brazil in May 2007was a resounding success. Permaculture practitioners and representatives from 42 countries– from Patagonia to Canada, from Canary Islands to Cambodia–attended to share their work and experience. The 3-day public conference was symbolically held in the green heart of Sao Paulo, the world’s third largest city. The …