Farmers of Hong Kong

More than a concrete jungle, Hong Kong boasts almost 550 organic farms: traditional family farms, small enterprise farms and over 300 educational and leisure farms. Leisure farms are a variation on community gardens that rent out garden plots to urban dwellers, known as ‘weekend farmers’, and are operated as small social enterprises rather than as …

Permaculture in Shenzhen, China

In early October I made my third journey to the Chinese city of Shenzhen to teach a PDC with my wonderful Taiwanese colleague, Hui-i Chiang. This was the second full design course hosted by Taihua company at Wutong Island, which they intend to make an annual event. It was great to see how the site …

Permaculture Student creates garden for Nimbin’s aged

Garden for the aged opening at Nimbin Community Centre

At Djanbung Gardens we actively look for opportunities for our students to gain real-life experience supporting community projects in Nimbin. Last year we heard through the village grapevine that the Nimbin Aged Care and Respite Service (NACRS) were needing help to make a garden for the aged. We got in touch and the project was …

WuTong Island, bringing nature back to the city

In one of China’s big industrial cities there’s an office block growing organic vegies for lunch on the rooftop. WuTong Island is an innovative commercial development in the city of Shenzhen, southern China, right next to Hong Kong. The WuTong Island project consists of 24 office blocks surrounding an artificial lake to collect the storm …

Permaculture rocks in Sydney’s inner west

Michele Margolis is passionate about grassroots urban permaculture, here she updates us on what happening in Sydney’s inner west. Cities are a bit harder than little towns in some ways but easier in others — and there’s plenty going on in Sydney in local communities within the huge Sydney megalopolis. Permaculture West is rocking! Tribes …

The Farm comes to Sydney Town Hall Square

Article and Photo: Russ Grayson, Pacific Edge, January 2011 Slim striped eggplant, fat purple eggplant, green tomatoes, flares of bright yellow sunflower, corn coming into cob and kale… what has happened to Sydney’s Town Hall Square? To put it simple, the farm has come to town… or the garden, at least. Where there was once …

Harvesting the Suburbs

Robyn Francis, garden forage

Micro Eden Series: Making the most of small spaces to reduce food miles to meters with Robyn Francis Anyone can have a garden. “Small is beautiful” and the discovery of small space sufficiency can yield surprising results, not only as produce for the table, but as a place of beauty and the great sense of …